So I'll give the short story first...I know I haven't posted in a long time but I saw this as post worthy...
So a HUGE Lebron James collector, one of the top ones in this culture got screwed by the man himself. He waited in line to get the Lebron VI editions that released on Saturday. He is a size 12. Lebron showed up and got all the size 8s, 12s, and 15s. Leaving people who were waiting in line for these sizes, and may I add to wear, without a chance to buy them in their size. Like Lebron couldn't call up Nike and request pairs for him and his buddy?! Get the fk out of here with that King James. A more in depth post will be given later.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
Randy Pausch Has Passed Away...
After a long battle with terminal pancreatic cancer, Prof. Randy Pausch Ph.D., famous for his Last Lecture at Carnegie-Melon, whom inspired a lot of people, including myself to live life as if there was no tomorrow and to appreciate life and love like everyday was your last has passed away. If there was anything that we can learn from this man who knew death was only months away once he was told of his cancer, is to live life, be happy, don't loose sleep over the little things, and most of all, love those who you love everyday like their is no tomorrow.

Dr. Randy Pausch passed away at his home on July 25th , he leaves behind a wife and four young children.

Dr. Randy Pausch passed away at his home on July 25th , he leaves behind a wife and four young children.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Don't Believe What You've Been Told...
My beautiful fiance, highly recommended me to see this movie, Zeitgeist I'm a big conspiracy theory and well this blows all of them all of the water. Take a look into relgion, 9/11 and our economic system. It'll make you think. It's about 2 hours long but well worth it. Link is below and it's free, lol.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Zoom Kobe IV Clear Pic
The Zoom Kobe IV, Kobe's next signature shoe has finally been shown in clear live pictures. These are the first low tops for a Kobe sig. Looks like a mix of the Kobe trainer and the Hyperdunk. Ask someone who wears their shoes casually, I can't wait for these. The ZKIV also seems to take cues from the Nike Presto.

Thursday, July 3, 2008
One Step Closer...
Today I feel I'm one step closer to knowing what is truly wrong with my left knee. I was told today that I could possibly have small stress fractures in my knee. Considering what I have been told before from doctors, this sounds like it could be what is actually wrong. For the last two years I've been getting a possible tear in my ACL but the diagnosis and treatment have always came out empty. I will hopefully be getting an MRI and seeing an orthopedic surgeon sometime next week.
Monday, June 30, 2008
A New Chapter...
I haven't updated this in a long time. My life has been great, blessed really. Life after college is going good, have a summer job before actually starting my new chapter in life. Come August, I'll be in New York City with a new job and on a journey to complete my Master's Degree along with my beautiful fiance. Lately I've been reflecting on this culture I am a part of, that of the sneaker culture and have seen that their are people who really just do take things too far. It's one thing to not like an athlete, a team, etc. but it's one thing to begin to make things personal. All I know is that this isn't what the culture is suppose to be about and personally I don't care much for this aspect of it. I know I'll have people who won't like me for whatever reason due to this culture but it doesn't matter to me. Life is bigger than just leather, rubber, and shoe laces. My pride doesn't rest in a collection of material object, it rests on the accomplishments that I have succeeded in throughout my life. Those accomplishments can hardly ever be seen and aren't material themselves. It is here where my pride lies, with my career, my education, my family, my friends and the love of my life.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Graduation and an Engagement
This past weekend was one of the best weekends of my life. Saturday I had my Latino Graduation; hence the stole. Saturday night I proposed to my beautiful girlfriend, now fiance. Sunday I became the first in my family to graduate from college. That's me with my B.A. next is my Masters Degree from Columbia University.

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Randy Pausch Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
This is the "last-speech" given by Professor Randy Pausch from Carnegie Mellon University. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given 3-6 months to live. He gave this lecture on September 18, 2007. It's about 1 hour and 15 minutes, and every minute is worth it. Watch it when you get a chance.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
If it couldn't get worse at JB, it just did...this is the 6 rings shoe. It's suppose to compose of the 6 shoes Michael wore when he one his 6 championships. What is most clear are the accents of the Jordan XI and the XIII sole. I'm sorry but these look like crap and I can't believe people will be paying close to $200 for this atrocity. Thank you JB and Gentry for KILLING two classic sneakers and a LEGACY.
The Hate...continues...
I find it funny how this one guy from yuku keeps getting on his high horse and just hates on people on the internet. Grow up man...yes know who you are
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Game Used PE Collection
Monday, March 24, 2008
Dance Production...It's Over!
So after 6 months of practicing, once a week, days where we would be out of breath by the end of it, and people stepping on each other or kicking each's finally over. This past weekend (Fri. and Sat.) Dance Production took place and all the hardwork ended up paying off. I have been feeling really down that it is actually over and already miss not practicing and just the people in general. I just want to say great job to all of my folklorico people!

Gil, Perla, Virginia, Juan, Gaby, Eric, Adalberto, Vero, Sam, Me, Lizet, Cristina (Ali and Alex missing)
Friday, March 21, 2008
Dance Production there!
Dance Production 2008 will take place today 3/21 and tomorrow 3/22 in Thorne Hall at Occidental College from 7-9pm.
Tickets are $5 for students, $8 for faculty/staff and $10 for General Admission. It promises to be a great show! I'll personally be in the Ballet Folklorico routine.
Tickets are $5 for students, $8 for faculty/staff and $10 for General Admission. It promises to be a great show! I'll personally be in the Ballet Folklorico routine.
Friday, March 14, 2008
In Heaven...
So these past few weeks have been rough but I am now in Orlando, Florida with the woman I Love! It feels like heaven! I Love You!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
AZK1 PE vs. AZK1 "QS"
Pictures have been popping up of an Air Zoom Kobe 1, that is a white/purple colorway with the #24 on the side panel and a clear sole. Many are mistaking these to be a Zoom Kobe 1 PE, however these new pictures arising of the one with the #24 on the side are either Asia Only "Quickstrikes" or "Hyperstrikes." Lets take a look at the differences from these next two pictures.
The first picture below is of the AZK1 "QS" from ISS member Hui-Lok. This pair has a fully purple swoosh and toe cap. In addition the #24 is stitched on both shoes. The box as well is a post-2007 Nike box which has the label information, including style #.
The AZK1 PE version has subtle differences, but differences that to a collector can make a difference. This one, courtesy of ISS member AlphaQ, has a gradient fading swoosh as well as a toe cap, and not solid like the "QS." The right shoe has Kobe stitched on the side, the left pair has a 24, while the QS has 24 on both. In addition the packaging of the PE is completely different. Older Nike box with the brown cardboard and orange color design and a small white label, simply labeled Air Zoom Kobe 1 White/Gradient Purple PE.
The first picture below is of the AZK1 "QS" from ISS member Hui-Lok. This pair has a fully purple swoosh and toe cap. In addition the #24 is stitched on both shoes. The box as well is a post-2007 Nike box which has the label information, including style #.

The AZK1 PE version has subtle differences, but differences that to a collector can make a difference. This one, courtesy of ISS member AlphaQ, has a gradient fading swoosh as well as a toe cap, and not solid like the "QS." The right shoe has Kobe stitched on the side, the left pair has a 24, while the QS has 24 on both. In addition the packaging of the PE is completely different. Older Nike box with the brown cardboard and orange color design and a small white label, simply labeled Air Zoom Kobe 1 White/Gradient Purple PE.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I Know...
I know things are rough right now and that they aren't how you would like them to be but know that when you're ready to talk I'm here for you. I Love You!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Air Zoom Kobe II Lite...It's here?!
Somehow, someway, after being scrapped for a U.S. release in November and made an Asia Exclusive, the Air Zoom Kobe II Lite has made it's way to some U.S. outlets. I know of two places only, Cabazon Nike Factory Store in California and Riverhead Factory Store in New York. Kobeheads are scooping these up as fast as they can, good luck trying to find a pair. Thanks to jeyps_11 from ISS for the pics.

Sunday, February 17, 2008
Much like the player, which bares the name...the Kobe trainer is probably the most under-rated shoe of the Kobe line.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Oh the Hate...
So I've been continously harrased by a member from Yuku, which we all know as Mr. Jack Johnson aka jstill45 and now jacksback45. Apparently he's pissed of at the fact that I collect Kobe's and really who knows why least this time because I made sure someone was banned for stealing another kids shoes and gloating about it on the forums? Sorry but that's wrong, people work hard for their shit while others just take it? People like Jack make this culture look incredibly bad and unfortunately they are the ones who stand out in this culture that is actually filled with people who have passion for it.
Monday, January 28, 2008
What's Next?
A little update on my life...Right now I'm just waiting on my Graduate School applications and I hope and pray to God that I end up at either Teachers College at Columbia University or Steinhardt School of Education at New York University aka NYU. I just submitted these applications either a couple weeks or a day or two ago so now it's time to wait. I'm anxious to see their decisions and scared at the same time but I know it will be months before I even here from any school. All I know is that I want to be as close as possible to the person that makes my life complete. I Miss You and I Love You!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
I Miss You!
I was fortunate enough to meet someone 2.5 years ago that has changed my life in ways that I never thought possible. I never thought that I could love someone the way that I love her nor could I have ever imagined that I could be so happy. (Many people read this blog and think that I'm all about shoes...believe me that is not me, my life is about so much more. In this little tangent I just want to say to those who read this blog, enjoy life and find love.) It's hard to have her so far from me, over 2000 miles away and I wish she could know what I wouldn't do just to be able to tell her goodnight and kiss her goodnight every single day. I Miss You terribly and I Love You more than you can ever imagine! Thank you for making me feel like the luckiest man alive every single day. I Love You!
Unbeliable...and Ridiculous...
Thursday, January 24, 2008
This Is What Its Come Too...
To put it in short terms I am highly highly disappointed with the sneaker culture. This culture that I have been part of for 8 years has finally taken such a deep dive. No longer is it about the shoes anymore or the love of the culture but as we can see it is about the Hype and having that Exclusive item. I was browsing and it gave me the link to the much anticipated Jordan XXIII that is set to release this Saturday I believe for a ridiculous price of $230. Well someone in Van Nuys, got a hold of a pair early and the bid right now is ridiculous. As of now with 1 FULL day to go, the bid price is at $1,625.01, with 22 bids so far. To believe that people are willing to spend over a thousand on a shoe is just plain ridiculous. This isn't a knock on what people should spend their money on, since it's not mine but this is a statement on how far people are willing to go to literally buy up Hype and Exclusivity.

Whatever respect I have for the Jordan Brand is officially on it's last straw with me. You want to appease the fans with the release of the XXIII, well I'm sorry but having people lined up for a shoe for a week isn't a way to do it. Excuse me for not seeing the "hustle" in this but wouldn't it just been safer and better if they would have released more than just the so said 529 pairs? The culture is being ruined not only by a brand that feeds the hypebeast but by those who say are part of this culture yet support and are willing to spend $1,000 plus on a shoe, and a shoe that is being released in somewhat decent numbers. All I can say that I have distanced myself from JB and I can't say how disappointed I am in this culture today.
Whatever respect I have for the Jordan Brand is officially on it's last straw with me. You want to appease the fans with the release of the XXIII, well I'm sorry but having people lined up for a shoe for a week isn't a way to do it. Excuse me for not seeing the "hustle" in this but wouldn't it just been safer and better if they would have released more than just the so said 529 pairs? The culture is being ruined not only by a brand that feeds the hypebeast but by those who say are part of this culture yet support and are willing to spend $1,000 plus on a shoe, and a shoe that is being released in somewhat decent numbers. All I can say that I have distanced myself from JB and I can't say how disappointed I am in this culture today.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Happy New Year!
I know this is about 10 days late lol but still want to wish everyone out there a Happy New Year. In terms of the culture, I'm proud to be part of it and never expected to be someone in the culture to the point where in about a month i have over 1000 hits on my blog alone.
But in reality life is bigger than just shoes or materials period. I say shoes because I know most of my visitors here are part of the sneaker culture. In all honestly, life is what you make of it and what you do with it the opportunities that are given to you. This year I will hopefully be putting the icing on the cake that took me 4 years to make. Come May I will be graduating from college and be the first one in my family to accomplish this goal. The years of hard work, the pressure has been worth it. I don't know exactly where my life is going to take me, but I am making some moves for my life to get me where I would like it to be. Hopefully come June/July, I am on my way to New York to venture on with my life with a new job, school and wife.
Keep on living one day at a time, with a smile, as every second of unhappiness is a second of happiness you can never get back.
But in reality life is bigger than just shoes or materials period. I say shoes because I know most of my visitors here are part of the sneaker culture. In all honestly, life is what you make of it and what you do with it the opportunities that are given to you. This year I will hopefully be putting the icing on the cake that took me 4 years to make. Come May I will be graduating from college and be the first one in my family to accomplish this goal. The years of hard work, the pressure has been worth it. I don't know exactly where my life is going to take me, but I am making some moves for my life to get me where I would like it to be. Hopefully come June/July, I am on my way to New York to venture on with my life with a new job, school and wife.
Keep on living one day at a time, with a smile, as every second of unhappiness is a second of happiness you can never get back.
Air Jordan XXIII Galore
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