With that said, I can truly say I feel proud to be part of this country. For the past 8 years there have been good times but a lot of downs as well, too many really. I have a new sense of inspiration and hope with this man in office. Much like him I am following the same path. He went to Occidental College for undergrad, like me, but transferred 2 years later to Columbia, where I am now finishing up my graduate studies. Harvard next for me?! I don't know. Reality is, I do feel that a politician and a man of his stature can change this country and the world. I just hope and pray for his safety and well-being.

To my students, and those of the generation after me. It is your time to live up to the expectations set forth not only by President Obama, but by us, your teachers. Realize that you are living in a time that history has been made and where each of us needs to do our part.
We are proud of this man, not because he is the first Black President, but because we all see a part of us in him. I see that drive to succeed, the will of doing of what's best for others, like I see in myself. I see the streets of Eagle Rock, the entrance to Columbia, just like he did. We must all do our part to change this country, to make this world a better place. It is not about ONE anymore but about US. What happens from now on is not a measure of success regarding President Obama, but regarding ourselves as a society.
To all the LA kids it proves that you can go from:
1600 Campus Road to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue